Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Fang Frenzy

Bit of a wasted weekend, had a migraine on Saturday and still groggy and headachey today.

All is not lost however I did get some stuff done during the week.

The latest pair of socks is coming along well I am about to turn the heel.


I made three more sleepy kitties - if I manage to make enough for the market I think the purple polka dot one is going to stay with me.

Sock Kitties

Sock Kitties 2

I have also made some progress on Ithaqua, not quite finished but looking much less headless than last week.

Ithaqua - Almost There

I had planned for the top and bottom jaws to be more evenly balanced with teeth on both, but he just didn't turn out that way.

Ithaqua - Head

I have had to learn that there is a limit to how many times you can undo things, sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

Ithaqua - Teeth

Besides I kind of like him this way and he continues to be 100% crocheted together. I suspect I would have a much easier time if I conceded and decided to sew bits on but as Scott well knows I can get awfully stubborn when I get fixed on an idea.

Next week you should find out how crazy I went trying to finish off the head.


  1. Fantastic! Love the claws and teeth. Kittys are awfully cute..makes you want a litter! hope you feeling better. Love R

  2. Oh my gOOdneSS Ithaqua is fabulous! He is such an amazing piece of art! Love Him <3

    Lol my word verification is : ghygos... If you ever get stuck for a monster name check out the VR's! X;-)
